Display 3D seismic data and multiple horizons#

层位可以是一个 (n1, n2) 大小的 Z 值, 也可以是 (N, 3) 大小的 N 个点

# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_path = '_static/cigvis/3Dvispy/05.png'

import numpy as np
import cigvis
from pathlib import Path
root = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent.parent

sxp = root / 'data/co2/sx.dat'
sfp1 = root / 'data/co2/mh21.dat'
sfp2 = root / 'data/co2/mh22.dat'
ni, nx, nt = 192, 192, 240

sx = np.fromfile(sxp, np.float32).reshape(ni, nx, nt)
sf1 = np.fromfile(sfp1, np.float32).reshape(ni, nx)
sf2 = np.fromfile(sfp2, np.float32).reshape(ni, nx)

nodes = cigvis.create_slices(sx)

# show amplitude
nodes += cigvis.create_surfaces([sf1, sf2],
                                clim=[sx.min(), sx.max()])

# add two points
nodes += cigvis.create_points(np.array([[70, 50, 158], [20, 100, 80]]), r=3)

cigvis.plot3D(nodes, size=(800, 800), savename='example.png')

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery