The log track is displayed as a tube and multiple log curves are displayed#

This example demonstrates how to visualize a well log with multi traces.

The first trace is plotted as a tube, the others are plotted as faces.

# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_path = '_static/cigvis/3Dvispy/08.png'

import numpy as np
import cigvis
from pathlib import Path
root = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent.parent

sxp = root / 'data/co2/sx.dat'
lasp = root / 'data/cb23.las'
ni, nx, nt = 192, 192, 240

sx = np.fromfile(sxp, np.float32).reshape(ni, nx, nt)
las =
idx = las['Well']['name'].index('NULL')
null_value = float(las['Well']['value'][3])
v = las['data'][:, 1:5]

x = np.linspace(50, 100, len(v))
y = np.linspace(50, 150, len(v))
z = np.sin((y - 50) / 200 * np.pi) * 200

points = np.c_[x, y, z]

nodes = cigvis.create_slices(sx)

# cyclinder=False: 半径和颜色都表示测井值的大小
# cyclinder=True: 井柱半径不变
nodes += cigvis.create_well_logs(
    cmap=['jet', 'seismic', 'Petrel', 'od_seismic1'])

# idx=0 means select the first WellLog node in nodes (though there is only one WellLog node in this case).
# idx2=1 means select the second cmap, and clim for the select WellLog node, ('seismic' in this case).
nodes += cigvis.create_colorbar_from_nodes(nodes, 'Log Impedance', select='logs', idx=0, idx2=1)

cigvis.plot3D(nodes, zoom_factor=8, size=(800, 600), savename='example.png')

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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